Samhain 2021 is on its way!

Samhain 2021 is on its way!

A very sacred time is coming our way, and especially with the past couple of years, this Samhain can truly grant us the opportunity to let go, release, and embrace the decay so that we can usher in the light once more. Starting with ourselves, let’s shed the weight of all that we have held which is not ours. Ease your burdens and bless them as they return to the earth. 

Samhain is a precious time of year in which we can truly open ourselves to the beauty in death. Death is natural, and beautiful, and we constantly cycle through death and rebirth along with the cycles of all nature around us. We need not fear death, nor fear transformative processes. In fact, through embracing the endless cycle of birth, growth, death, decay, fertilization, and rebirth, we can open our being into a deeply and heartbreakingly beautiful realization of our own offering into the universal tapestry. 

Breathe with me this autumn season. Stretch into the fullness of that which seems empty, that which we fear so much. Know that even though we cannot see beyond this world and this life, there is richness to be found in embracing the shadow and the darkness, and there is vast fertile ground in allowing death her process. 

For the Samhain 2021 art apparel collection, I have drawn two designs based on the raven. The raven is a powerful ally in understanding that death is neither a finite nor final event. Death is simply a perspective shift, even perhaps a tonal shift. The raven can fly between the realms of life and death, and is said to guide souls across this veil. In meditation, consider the raven in a deep breath, and see if she will guide you into embracing the decay of that which no longer serves you.

The moon design, which will be present in many future collections with alterations of meaning, contains the word “release” as a reminder that we can utilize the powers at hand to leave behind the weight of what does not belong to us. The sun design, which will also be returning with alterations to meaning, contains the rune of Perth. In my work with the runes, Perth reminds us that if need be, let everything go. Nothing less than renewal of the spirit is at stake. 

Thank you so much for reading and for considering this sacred time ahead. With all my love, I send to you the kindest of blessings, and the gentlest of energies to help you along your journey. This incantation is my gift to you, which can be used at any time you see fit in this season.
As the raven calls, my soul replies
take this burden and let death take her prize. 
What is not mine shall now be free
Gently carry it away from me
My grief now flows into the stream
of gratitude that I am seen.