On healing

On healing

Healing is such a fascinating process, and comes in so many different forms. Over the years I have learned amazing techniques for healing from a number of very wise and skilled teachers, and I have found it true that every one of my teachers uses a wellspring of knowledge specific to them, resulting in essentially the same process, of slowing down and truly listening to the body. 

Our bodies know everything about us, they remember each step we’ve ever taken, every time we’ve fallen down, and I have found it to be true that when something is psychologically/emotionally overwhelming, the body will simply store that memory for later discovery, when it is no longer overwhelming. Our bodies nurture us deeply, and truly take care of our whole being in this form. 

And it is so simple to just keep walking through life, keep doing, keep moving forward. We process so much in a linear fashion here, as it seems time moves in a straight line from this dimensional perspective. But memory doesn’t work in a straight line, and neither does healing, in my experience. It seems to me that the basic pattern of the universe must reflect its origin, and if we are to consider the Big Bang as the source of eventual life, the source of creation and movement, it seems that this basic pattern would follow more the pattern of a particle collision, with, yes, a decent number of straight lines, but also large sweeping circular motions, as well as intense and densely spiraling pathways. And these pathways often cross each other, multiple times. 

When I find myself in an open state, and I feel safe, often it seems my body will remind me of this. I can be reminded of a terror, a trauma, but my body won’t allow it to come down all at once. It continues following this circular or spiraling pattern, crossing over the straight lines. Or perhaps the straight line keeps running into the spirals and curves. Either way, I catch a glimpse of the thing my body wants to reveal and release, then I find myself on the path of what inspired me to keep going. Laughter, felt more intensely through the lens of recent or oncoming difficulty, smiles that shine with the purity of universal essence, washing over me and reminding me of that which exists infinitely outside of my existence. And yet it courses through me as well. For we are that essence. 

And I’ve found that at times, my mind and body connection is not clear, and there is a fear of what can be found, and so my mind has retreated to isolate from my body. And at these times, I have always been able to follow my intuition and find a healer. And healers come in so many forms. We are all capable of healing, as long as we can resonate with that energy, and connect that energy to another’s body. And in a truly open state, the body attracts healing like a magnet, a force that cannot be denied. 

I often find great healing in open painting. My body is so familiar with color and shape and form at this point, that when I am painting in an open state, my body takes over and selects what can be used to reveal to me what I am not willing to see on my own. 

What do you find in your life that serves as a teacher for you about yourself? What brings you into an open state? If you haven’t found a tool for this, are you interested in finding one? Keep in mind that your body knows what it seeks more reliably than your mind, and if you feel a call to something, try it out and see what shifts within you. Healing comes in many forms.

Something that came to me in sacred space with a trusted and dear friend has helped ground me to these truths time and time again, and it reads:



     Like a river,

             Flows through me.


Know this to be true, Love doesn’t just swirl all around us, it is an entity that fills all of our essence, and we can choose to ignore it or listen to it, we can choose to feel it. I choose to feel it. 

So much love to you all. May you find that which you seek.