Collective Rune Pull 11 April, 2022

Collective Rune Pull 11 April, 2022

Hello my loves! I want to begin the process of sharing Rune readings with you. I often do personal rune readings, for myself and for others, but I’ve started doing Collective Rune readings as well, and I hope you enjoy them!


I use a book by Ralph Blum called The Book of Runes for these. These readings are not the original Norse meaning of the characters, they are an amalgamation of various spiritual and religious practices all harmonizing into an oracle, which proves time and time again to go directly to the core of the issues with which I need the most guidance. If you are interested in this reading, definitely get a copy of the book for yourself and see what comes up!


Today I drew one rune for the Collective. Pulling one rune offers somewhat general guidance for an issue at hand. The book states as follows:







The winter of the spiritual life is upon you. You may find yourself entangled in a situation to whose implications you are, in effect, blind. You may feel powerless to do anything except submit, surrender, even sacrifice some long-cherished desire. Be patient, for this is the period of gestation that precedes a rebirth.


Positive accomplishment is unlikely now. There is a freeze on useful activity, all your plans are on hold. You may be experiencing an unaccustomed drain on your energy and wonder why; A chill wind is reaching you over the ice floes of old outmoded habits.


Trying to hold on can result in shallowness of feeling, a sense of being out of touch with life. Seek to discover what it is you are holding onto that perpetuates this condition and let go. Shed, release, cleanse away the old; doing so will bring on the thaw.


Usuall Isa requires a sacrifice of the personal, the “I.” At such a time, you cannot hope to rely on help or friendly support. And yet there is no reason for anxiety. Submit and be still, for what you are experiencing is not necessarily the result of your actions or habits, but rather arises from conditions about which you can do nothing. What has been full must empty, what has increased must decrease. This is the way of Heaven and Earth. To surrender is to display courage and wisdom.


And yet there is another face to Standstill. Just as winter is a time for going within, drawing Isa can announce a time of restoration and renewal at the deepest level. In your solitude, exercise caution and do not stubbornly persist in attempting to work your will. Remain mindful that the seed of the new is present in teh shell of the old, the seed of unrealized potential, the seed of the good. Trust your own process, and watch for signs of Spring.


Blum, Ralph H. The Book of Runes. St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1993, 137-138


My Thoughts:

Pulling this rune is always a breath of fresh air for me, the release of this pressure that has been building. I often pull this rune when I have something on the horizon and am feeling anxious that I’m not doing enough to prepare, and pulling Isa reminds me that often patience is necessary when making plans. in these times I can get fairly laser-focused on my own goals, desires, and what seem to be needs. And pulling Isa reminds me to let go of my tunnel vision and just be still, surrender to the present moment and take a break from the hypothetical concerns of the future. 


Though I pulled this rune for the collective, there is always something personal to garner from the runes as well. In fact, Isa was a part of my rune pull just yesterday, and held space as the counsel for moving through my current challenge. I have a lot of life up in the air right now, and that is an uncomfortable place for me to surrender. My imprinting tells me that in times of flux, my guard needs to be up, but Isa reminds me that I may not actually require such a defense. If I relax into my body, breathe deeply, and open my heart, I am flooded with the sensation of love, and so much support all around me. 


And that is the greatest gift for me in Isa. Isa talks a lot about the concept of going within, of relying on yourself to find this place of stillness, embracing a spiritual winter with grace. But every time I truly feel into this rune, I realize I have been isolating myself emotionally and mentally, and the walls that have formed drop instantly. This may be a bit of my contrarian nature playing out, but it is a very rich rune for me, and always serves as a reminder to settle into the now. And as it turns out, the now is imbued with love. 


I hope this rune has brought something valuable to you, a piece of wisdom upon which to contemplate. You may want to read it more than once, and just breathe into the concept. Visualize the symbol, and feel into its intrinsic meaning. If it did touch something precious within you, I would love to hear about it. You can email or just go to instagram @sweetbriararts and comment on the shorter post. Let’s vibe together.


As always, may beauty surround you. Above you and about you. Before you and behind you. And may your journey home be on a trail of peace. Happily may you return.


Thank you profoundly, from the infinite wellspring within and without.